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The ClickShip Blog

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From ClickShip's Shipping and eCommerce Experts

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Recent Blogs


Introducing BigCommerce Real-Time Rates

Oct 21, 2022 2 min. read

Attention BigCommerce users! We are thrilled to announce that ClickShip’s Real-Time Rates at

As an eCommerce professional, when the topic of cross-border shipping comes up you are likely

A crucial part of an eCommerce business’ success is tied to their shipping process. In the

Growing and expanding your eCommerce business cross-border can be a make-or-break step. It is


Preparing for Peak Shipping Season

Sep 9, 2022 5 min. read

The change from Summer to Fall brings with it many things: the return of students to school,

Attention WIX Users: Real-Time Rates at Checkout is now offered on ClickShip and it’s free!


If there’s one thing that we know here at ClickShip, it’s that businesses, and the products they


ClickShip Now Integrates with BigCommerce

Aug 5, 2022 3 min. read

At ClickShip, we know our partners are a vital part to building a successful business. We provide

As the eCommerce market continues to thrive online businesses are becoming a major shopping

At ClickShip we know that parcel shipping is not a one-way street. For as much as we talk about

There are some eCommerce merchants that believe if they hide their return policy, customers will

There are approximately 12-24 million eCommerce sites across the world, and we see more of them


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